Sailing for everyone

The Broader Reach Program expands access to sailing in Halifax and across Nova Scotia.  

Broader Reach is a project of the Learn to Sail Program at Armdale Yacht Club, located minutes from Halifax's downtown and easily accessible by public transit. 

Why it's important

Sailing and community building go hand-in-hand. We believe sailing is more fun when everyone has access to it and that sailing should be a recreation and passion for all.

Our community partners

We partner with community organizations dedicated to serving new Canadians to help folks who are under-represented in sailing get started. 

Your support 

We offer these experiences at no cost to participants with the support of sport and recreational funding organizations as well as private donations.

 Broader Reach Sailing Programs create impact

Sailing is not only sport and skill, it is also the basis for community and shared knowledge. 

Broader Reach creates impact by teaching sailing knowledge and skills to wider audiences while building connections between people and communities based on shared experiences. It unites people by a love of being on the water.

CBC Nova Scotia: Broader Reach Program aims to make sailing more accessible

November 2023 - Broader Reach participant Joyce Liu produced this video about the Broader Reach Program for CBC Nova Scotia.

Our Adult and Youth Program

Our Broader Reach Adult Sailing program caters to adolescents and adults of all ages in our fleet of Soling 26' keelboats. 

Participants spend their first two sessions in the classroom learning basic sailing theory and are given the opportunity to ask questions and become familiar with our boats and equipment.

Our Junior Sailing Program

Our Broader Reach Junior Sailing program has partnered with BGCGH (Spryfield), to deliver no-cost sailing experiences for kids in our community.

CANSail 1-6 levels (ages 8-16)

For beginners and experienced junior sailors.

WetFeet (ages 5-8)

A program for young kids who are new to sailing. 

How you can help

Volunteer - We need your help!

Broader Reach can't happen without the help of volunteers. If you have an interest, we have a role for you! Whether you are an experienced sail training coach, have experience organizing community events, or just simply enjoy rigging and repairing sailboats, we would absolutely love to have your help. 


Every contribution to Broader Reach, big or small, helps us offer our programs, build future capacity, improve the experience for Broader Reach participants and leave a positive impact on your community and the sport of sailing. There are different ways to provide financial support, from charitable donations (which receive a tax credit) to a 50/50 draw!

Spread the word about Broader Reach Sailing!

Broader Reach is unique in Nova Scotia; No other organization is committed to actively recruiting new participants in sailing and offering a no-cost learning experience.

A big part of our success depends on people knowing about our projects, goals and future plans. Please tell people about Broader Reach on social media and through your personal networks.  

Our location

Questions? Want to help us?

Our supporters and partners

Broader Reach is made possible through the generous support, sponsorship, and volunteer contributions of many.

Special thanks

Broader Reach's 2024 programming is supported by funding through:

HRM Community Grants Program